Humping: dogs mount for more than sexual reasons
There’s no reason to be embarrassed, but action is required if it’s constant

Male and female dogs hump buddies due to sexual instinct, to play, or to command control. Call us if this has become a habit for your pet.

Is there anything more awkward than your dog humping another dog at the park? Perhaps sniffing a guest’s groin. :flushed:

But we’re here to release you from those feelings! Humping is a natural behavior for animals.
Occasional humping? Let it go.

Constant humping? Time for action!

Sexual behavior
-Fun fact: both male and female dogs can mount as a way of practicing for future endeavors. Thousands of years of instinct are at work here.
-Even spayed and neutered pets engage in humping.
-Many mammals show this behavior to varying degrees, including cats, cows, and deer.

-Some dogs hump as normal play behavior.
-Unsocialized pups can get excited during play and might end up humping as a result.
-Meeting a new person or dog can drive a dog to mount his owner, another dog, or a nearby toy.

Social situations
-Humping might be a way to show social status or control

Tips to help your pet
-Spay or neuter your pet!
-Gently push your dog off the other pet or item, turn away, and ignore him.
-Catch your dog in the act, say “stop”, and offer him/her a reward when he/she does.
-Consult a behavioral expert: Goodheart has vetted Denver pet experts who can help.

Call us if:
-Humping has become a compulsive habit
-It’s interfering with his/her ability to play well with others.:dog2:

We are here to help you 24/7. 

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